Our entire computer is corrupted. Imagine if we focused on the programs on a laptop, when the whole laptop was hacked. The only way to fix this mess is to build a new laptop that is harder to corrupt, and then start new programs there.
"In the next 25 years, over $100tn in assets — ranging from property, aged wines and artwork — will be transferred from the boomers and older generations to their heirs in the US alone, according to Cerulli Associates, a wealth manager," wrote Adam Tooze on Jan. 11. Is this how the Boomers intend to oppress their heirs and beneficiaries (after having earned and spent fortunes to feed, cloth and educate them)? Without Social Security and Medicare, I'd have to spend all of my children's potential inheritance. Those social programs constitute "generational warfare"? I'm not persuaded. Wars and bailouts cause our fiscal problems, not social insurance.
The simplest reform of social Security would cap benefits and remove the cap on income subject to FICA. Cap it at the current level of about $6000 a month and index it for inflation.
The retirement excesses for the higher paid are in regulations issued by the Treasury Department, not in the Code. Congress could stop them, if they took time to understand what is going on. The reversal of Chevron a huge positive step in getting the administrative state under control. We need a one income tax system, not the two income tax system we have now. ALL need to pay into government to balance the annual budget in non-recession years. Otherwise, we continue the path of Ds looking for more single parenthoods expansion paid for by others.
Our entire computer is corrupted. Imagine if we focused on the programs on a laptop, when the whole laptop was hacked. The only way to fix this mess is to build a new laptop that is harder to corrupt, and then start new programs there.
Like this:
"In the next 25 years, over $100tn in assets — ranging from property, aged wines and artwork — will be transferred from the boomers and older generations to their heirs in the US alone, according to Cerulli Associates, a wealth manager," wrote Adam Tooze on Jan. 11. Is this how the Boomers intend to oppress their heirs and beneficiaries (after having earned and spent fortunes to feed, cloth and educate them)? Without Social Security and Medicare, I'd have to spend all of my children's potential inheritance. Those social programs constitute "generational warfare"? I'm not persuaded. Wars and bailouts cause our fiscal problems, not social insurance.
The simplest reform of social Security would cap benefits and remove the cap on income subject to FICA. Cap it at the current level of about $6000 a month and index it for inflation.
The retirement excesses for the higher paid are in regulations issued by the Treasury Department, not in the Code. Congress could stop them, if they took time to understand what is going on. The reversal of Chevron a huge positive step in getting the administrative state under control. We need a one income tax system, not the two income tax system we have now. ALL need to pay into government to balance the annual budget in non-recession years. Otherwise, we continue the path of Ds looking for more single parenthoods expansion paid for by others.